April 26th Class on Carb Confusion
I recently completed my certificate in "Whole Foods Plant Based Nutrition" with eCornell University. Dr. Colin Campbell, author of the China Study was one of the professors, along with other medical doctors and experts in the fields of nutrition, psychology, and environmental issues. It was a fantastic and fascinating program and I am really looking forward to sharing some of the information I have learned. There is so much confusion and conflicting information about diet and eating these days and I often get asked if a certain food is good or bad. Carbohydrates, especially, seem to get a bad reputation and I would like to clear up a few misunderstandings regarding carbs, gluten, sugar, and processed food!
Most people WANT to eat better, but are very busy and don’t have time for hours of cooking. Also, with all the conflicting information it's difficult to know where to start. What better meal to begin with than breakfast, the most important meal of the day?? In a 1-hr class on April 26th, I will attempt to clear up some of the confusion about carbs, gluten, sugar, and processed foods and help you make better decisions about what to eat. I will also show you how to prepare a YUMMY, SUPER HEALTHY, VERY QUICK breakfast, with the push of a button! (and a few minutes of prep every couple of weeks). The class fee is $30/person (or $50 for 2 if you bring a friend) and will include tastings, samples to bring home, and eduction and information about making good food choices and avoiding unhealthy and even dangerous fad diets. Sign up by using the Paypal button on this page. 20 people max. Please don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions about the class! Hope to see you here on April 26th from 7-8 pm! If you are unable to attend, but know of someone who could benefit from this lecture, please feel free to share this information with a friend or two. |